The second website was also arranged through a friend. He was writing some kind of proposal for the company, and he suggested there should be a web presence. I can't imagine how this company existed without one, but I guess I eventually found out. The owners (two doctors, no less) decided not to pay my friend for his services when the contract went to another company. I had already bailed on the project, since the emails I received from one of the doctors were racist, sexist, and just mean-spirited. He even accused me of using a photo from the company's old promotional material, along with a lot of other derogatory comments about the photos I used (he would provide none, and I needed to find ones that were available to use). I even asked around to see if I could find the right kind of people doing the work he wanted them to be doing. It was supposed to be an easy website for a client who didn't know anything about the internet, but he suddenly became an authority on aesthetics and copyright laws.
The sad part about both of these jobs is that they kind of left my friendships out to dry, too. I hadn't talked to the one friend for some time, and I haven't really felt the desire to reach out to him since our shared negative experience. I cool with the other friend, but it's still hard to see bills coming in and know I could have paid those bills with the work I'd done, especially since I went above and beyond on that site.
I suppose there would be a legal angle to all this, but with one company being out of business and the other out of town, I'd probably just get the old, "You should have gotten a down-payment" lecture from a judge. And she'd be right. I want to trust those I work with, but not everyone is trustworthy. The good news is that I only bought the shopping cart app for one site and the domain name for the other, meaning I'm out my time and about $20. If I was building boat piers or refinishing bathrooms, I'd be way deeper in the hole. I guess that's why I'll continue to build websites and trust those who hire me, though it's a good reminder to those of us who work for ourselves that working is good but getting paid for it is better.
Thanks for reading. See more of my content:
Satisfamily - Articles about being happy as a family
Passive Ninja - Web Design in Jacksonville
McNewsy - Creative Writing
Educabana - Educational Resources
Brave New Church - Church Website Design
Voucher School - Pros and Cons of School Vouchers
Luthernet - Web Design for Lutheran Churches
Sitcom Life Lessons - What we've learned from sitcoms
Mancrush Fanclub - Why not?
Epic Folktale - Stories of the unknown
Wild West Allis - Every story ever told about one place
Educabana on Teachers Pay Teachers (mostly ELA lessons)
Real Wisconsin News - Satire from Wisconsin
Zoo Interchange Milwaukee - Community website
Chromebook Covers - Reviews and opinions
Brian Jaeger - Resume (I'm always interested)
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