
Saturday, October 20

Why Would Governor Scott House State Troopers In His Home?

I saw an ad that contrasted Rick Scott's leadership to that of Bill Nelson. Compelling stuff, but I had to wonder why he's doing one of the activities mentioned: housing state troopers in his own home. The video shows Scott talking to 18 or 19 state troopers in his great hall. So what's the deal with having to share his space with law enforcement officers?

Simon and Garfunkel in Concert! Oh, wait, no

not simon and garfunkel in concert
For a few minutes, I was all in. Even though I just saw Paul Simon on a TV show and he looked as old as dirt. Even though he didn't sound much better. Even though the only songs that really matter from Simon and/or Garfunkel are from 1970 or before. Even though the kids have basketball tryouts. I was going to get me two tickets to see Simon and Garfunkel at the Times Union Center.